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IIVF Australia has an independent ethics committee that ensures our approach is guided by community views. Click to learn more today.
IVF Australia understands treatment concerns based on religious beliefs. Learn about treatment plans designed to be acceptable to your faith or situation.
IVF Australia specialist counsellors offer support throughout your IVF and fertility treatment. Learn more about this service today.
We offer CPD points through our GP events. Find out when our next event is on.
Some cases of infertility may require surgery to investigate and treat symptoms and conditions. Find out about laparoscopy for women and male microsurgery.
IVFAustralia Canberra offers egg freezing for medical and social reasons.
The fertility panel is a blood test that has been designed to investigate genes which are specifically associated with difficulties in conceiving.
IVFAustralia welcomes a newly published endometriosis report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
The female reproductive system enables a woman to conceive, nurture and deliver a baby. Find out how it works and what can affect female fertility.
IVFAustralia would like to reassure patients we predominantly use Australian donated sperm.