ICSI treatment

What is ICSI?

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is performed as an additional part of an IVF treatment cycle where a single sperm is injected into each egg to assist fertilisation using very fine micro-manipulation equipment. In most cases, ICSI can be used to overcome severe male infertility.

At Virtus Health, it is our policy to encourage the use of standard IVF rather than ICSI unless there is a specific indication for ICSI.

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Who is ICSI suitable for?

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is recommended for couple’s who have been diagnosed with male fertility issues such as low sperm count, low sperm morphology or motility, anti-sperm antibodies or have previously had a vasectomy or unsuccessful vasectomy reversal.

We can also use this technique for couples who have experienced poor or no fertilisation rates using standard IVF. 

How much does ICSI treatment cost?

ICSI cycle paymentEstimated out of pocket costs for an initial cycle in a calendar yearEstimated out of pocket costs for a subsequent cycle in a calendar year

What are the success rates for ICSI?

Together with IVF, ICSI is one of the most common techniques used in Assisted Reproductive Technology. Since it was introduced, it has led to the birth of many thousands of babies worldwide that otherwise might not have been conceived.

The success rates for ICSI are similar to those of standard IVF. Read more about IVF success rates >

While success rates can give you an indication of your chance of conceiving they are not specific to your situation. Your fertility specialist will be able to give you an indication of your individual chance of success using ICSI. 

Are there potential risks with ICSI?

There is no convincing evidence that the rate of birth defects in children born from the ICSI process is any different to the general population. However there is slight increase in the chance that a male child born from the ICSI process will also have a male fertility issue. 

The ICSI process

Want to know more?

To find out more about what’s involved in ICSI treatment please come to a free information night or book an appointment with a fertility specialist.

Appointments are available within the next couple of weeks and will cost approximately $150 for a couple after the Medicare rebate.

What is IVF?
Can I use Donor Sperm?

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