Research into the use of Growth Factor Hormone GM-CSF in IVF culture media
Television news last night reported an Adelaide University Prof Sarah Robertson's partnership with Danish company ORIGIO and the development of a product EmbryoGen which is claimed may improve embryo implantation rates for some women undertaking IVF (particularly those who have had a miscarriage after IVF). According to the reports EmbryoGen contains a signalling growth factor molecule called GM-CSF found naturally in a mother's tissues and is thought to protect an embryo from stress, helping it in early development. A clinical trial involving 1319 patients in Europe has reviewed the effects of GM-CSF claiming it may improve embryo implantation rates for some women undertaking IVF. This product is not commercially available internationally.
"We welcome research that helps improve treatment outcomes for patients. With regard to this particular research we understand the perinatal outcomes of the patients involved in the trial will be available in 2012. This product is not available in Australia or anywhere internationally yet, and we will await further clinical trial data that assures safety for patients," A/Prof Peter Illingworth, Medical Director IVFAustralia.