An Interview With A Sperm Donor
Becoming a sperm donor is a generous act enabling many families in Australia their only chance of having a family. Sperm donation requires careful consideration so it may help to hear from a previous sperm donor about his motivations and experience for helping others create their family:
Written by an anonymous sperm donor.
Why I became a sperm donor
I am a sperm donor.
Not something I’ll put on my CV, but certainly one of my greatest accomplishments.
Having kids was not something I envisaged for my future, then one day I received an email from a friend with a link that would change things for not only me, but dramatically for five others too. The link led me to an article about shortage of sperm donors in Australia.
My sister had not long had a baby which had changed our family dynamic immensely. I was witnessing firsthand the love and joy children bring to a family, and how this little being brings them closer together and fills them with happiness. The article was the catalyst I needed to contact a fertility clinic about sperm donation.
I didn’t really know what to expect when I made that initial call to find out if and how I could become a donor. I knew I would need to be tested to ensure I was healthy and wouldn’t be passing on any inheritable conditions but beyond that I was coming in blind.
The process was straight forward but a bit more involved than I had anticipated; I certainly wasn’t expecting to undergo counselling sessions. But counselling is an important part of the process – these sessions got me thinking of things I hadn’t contemplated - I was 28 and not in a serious relationship at the time and I guess I wasn’t looking too far into the future and considering how I would tell a future partner.
While the counselling allowed me to think about my future, there was nothing socially, psychologically or morally deterring me from proceeding and hence I began the donation process. This included blood tests, and a quarantine period after the donation was made. The donation itself was a little nerve wracking the first time. I had to just remind myself that the people outside the door who knew what I was up to were professionals and this was something they dealt with on a daily basis, which made it easier.
The thing I actually found hardest was writing a letter to any potential children - knowing just what to say and how to say it took me about four weeks to piece together. I knew I would be open to them contacting me at any stage throughout their lives and I would be okay with whatever relationship they wanted with me - whether that was to meet me just once, or to have ongoing contact, or even to be involved in their lives. Those first words they would have from me had to be just right.
To date my sperm has been used to create five babies.
I take lots of pride in knowing I have had a hand in changing people’s life. I have received a thank you card from one of the recipients, thanking me for changing their lives for the better.
It blew me away as I never expected it but it totally reinforced that I had made the right decision by becoming a donor. It left me with a fulfilling sense of achievement, I have absolutely no regrets. I would encourage other men to consider doing this too.
Learn more about sperm donation
Australia continues to have a shortage of sperm donors. If you are considering becoming a sperm donor speak to your local fertility clinic. Larger fertility clinics have dedicated donor teams that can answer any questions that you might have and guide you through the process.
Creating a life and changing many more may just be a phone call away.
Learn more: Sperm Donation in Victoria, Sperm Donation in NSW, Sperm Donation in Qld, Sperm Donation in Tasmania